Winter is coming to the Village |
This second job is a teaching one, as an English teacher at a Czech high school.
Many, many years ago, this would have been my dream job. I started my studies at university fully intending to be a high school English teacher. Things changed though, and I've spent the past six or so years pursuing a different career.
And now here I am, trying to get chalk dust out of my fingernails.
It feels very strange to come full circle like this. It also feels amazing to have proper, full health insurance coming my way soon (did I mention how much I love and miss the NHS?).
Even stranger is the fact that I am loving my new job. The students, for the most part, are really pleasant and engaged. The school itself is in a nice building and the colleagues are exceptionally friendly and helpful. Surprisingly, the cafeteria food is tasty and cheap, and the highlight of my mornings (downside: my lunch period starts at 11.30). I've had two days of classes, back to back all day, which were bloody exhausting, but also really good fun.
The other job that I mentioned might develop into something much closer to my ideal job, although I must say that this high school teaching gig could get addictive. A room full of students who generally laugh at my jokes is feeding my ego in a rather worrying way.
Meanwhile, Smalls has started attending a školka (nursery) for the two days that I'm terrifying teenagers with my enthusiastic hand-waving and bad jokes.
Finding a place for him was exceptionally good luck. State-sponsored maternity leave in the Czech Republic has a few options for parents, but most take a 3-year break from work, with their job guaranteed for them at the end. State školky are free, starting from 3 years old. So, there aren't too many options for the under-3s. However, L. managed to track down a private školka right next to his work that isn't too expensive and takes under-3s. Even better, they were happy to take him at only a week's notice.
As with his nursery in England, Smalls has settled in really well and is getting glowing reports. Apparently, he spent the last session happily stomping around a nearby park.
The only major downside so far, besides my poor abused feet, is having to get to grips with using the damn chalkboard. I really miss my PowerPoints.
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